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Switchy McSwitch Face

This listing is for a 1590XX enclosure and a switchy mcswitch face kit which enables you to build yourself a combo kit using any of our PCB's!  So if you want to make yourself a sugary tea clone, go for it! a double muff...easy. 


Clever eh. 


Combo Switchy McSwitch face includes the PCB, two 3PDT footswitches, a 4PDT footswitch  3x LED and CLR, 2 mono jack, a power socket and a 1590XX case.  


If you are opting for a drilled enclosure I need to know which circuit you want one which side of the case.

Circuit 1 in on the left of the final pedal

Circuit 2 is on the right of the final pedal. 


You could of course opt to select the PCB only as well. Which is just the PCB and nothing more.


Combine it with 2 other partial kits and you have a £300-£400 pedal for the price of an Addams Family trip to Costa! 



NB. Most of our 1590B and 125B sized PCB's can be drilled to fit the case and drop in as designed utilising board mounted control, however there is always going to be something that doesn't fit without wiring pots and toggles in a range as large as ours. 


if you dont want to spend time wiring the controls in place rather than board mounting them then it may be worth a brief discussion prior to ordering to be sure.


I'd hope that this type of kit is undertaken by an experienced builder as it will require some planning by the builder.


Pre Built Kits have a 1 to 4 week build time. 

Jeds Peds logo: Bearded Man with a soldering iron
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