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front view of completed guitar pedal circuit board

Brenda, The Clean Blender

Brenda, The Clean Blender, is a 3PDT daughter board including two other small circuits. A clean blend and a funky little fade in and out on the LED.


So why do you want a clean blend? Its predominantly for the bass players in the land to retain a fat bottom end which is also dirty! It has its uses for guitarists too! don't forget this will add another knob to whatever your putting it into as well so please have a good think about the compatability of this prior to ordering. If you're unsure just ask, I'd rather have a chat about it and figure it out together.

You also need to consider the footswitch layout of the circuit you want to put Brenda into. Brenda only has one FS pad, so she wont fit with a double, for instance.  


The intention with Brenda is that she is a replacement for the usual 3PDT daughterboard that comes with our pedal kits. Therefore, the 'kit' option includes the PCB and components, but not a 3PDT, jacks or power socket.  If you need them you can add them all separately from our components page


The last thing to mention is that Brenda isn't compatible with any of our JP1590B sized pre drilled kits, her bottom is too big.  So if you wanted this and a kit that would usually come with a JP1590B, then ask for it to come with a JP125B and all is restored :) 


There is no enclosure provided with either option. 


Please note that blending circuit paths together may induce phase issues, it also may not... there is no way to know if you will experience a phase issue or not ahead of trying it.  


Pre Built Kits have a 1 to 4 week build time. 

Jeds Peds logo: Bearded Man with a soldering iron
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